Cash Tech Rebrand Incoming!

2 min readApr 7, 2021

Sneak peek of new Cash Tech design unveiled

Any application that aims to onboard new users to a marketplace must be grounded in seamless design and intuitive UX. Cash Tech is aiming to do just that! Cash Tech will not only be an application where current cryptocurrency users can store and utilize their assets but it will also be a route that makes it easy for new entrants to adopt cryptocurrency technology.

With that mission in mind, Cash Tech is undergoing a complete rebrand. The rebrand has been carefully designed with user experience in mind. Cash Tech will be unparalleled in making it easy for cryptocurrency holders to utilize their assets in versatile ways.

Cash Tech will be the single point for storing, transacting, and spending cryptocurrencies. Users will also be able to access comprehensive DeFi features as they’re implemented into the application. Features which previously needed several applications — like lending, exchanging, and staking — can now be completed from a single application.

Cash Tech is the final bridge between cryptocurrency technology and mainstream retail. Retail has historically faced friction when it comes to using complex applications and clunky wallets. It is of the utmost importance that Cash Tech makes adoption frictionless for users that are completely unfamiliar with cryptocurrency technology. That’s why this Cash Tech rebrand is so important. A sneak peek of some of the new designs can be viewed in the header image.

It is also the perfect time for a rebrand. The Cash Tech community has been quickly growing. We have been receiving record levels of interest in the application. The high number of brand advocates emerging is a strong validation for the Cash Tech concept. It is our role to ensure that the design and UX of the application are flawless while the application and community are still in its early stages.

As cryptocurrency newcomers begin adopting the Cash Tech application, it will be more important that the brand has a consistent design and that major brand shifts do not occur. That’s why we are optimizing our brand design and UX at this point, preparing for the mass entry of newcomers that will follow as the application launches and proliferates.




Cash Tech is DeFi as it’s meant to be. Digital currency conversion, payments, staking, and lending. All within one app.