Cash Tech finalizes Google Play Store and App Store designs ahead of August launch
The Cash Tech application is quickly approaching launch. In August, the first version of the Cash Tech app will be launched. The first version will be available in both the Google Play Store and the App Store. The designs for the release have been finalized and the below images showcase some of the branding and features.
Users will be able to easily store, send, and receive crypto assets that are native to multiple blockchains. The first release of the application will include support for Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Celo, Solana, and Near. Support for more blockchain will be integrated in future releases.
Users will also be able to store and display NFT assets. Storage options for NFT holders currently remain limited with few wallets offering storage and display capabilities. Cash Tech aims to provide the most comprehensive and versatile experience to digital asset holders.
In addition to providing diverse functionality, Cash Tech is designed to be extremely intuitive for users. The design of each screen layout has been carefully considered to optimize user experience.
As Cash Tech approaches launch, it is positioning itself to be a leading wallet solution in terms of both functionality and ease of use. Few wallets strike the right balance between providing versatile functions but also being user friendly. Cash Tech is committed to providing users with both!